Wordcrafters is holding a youth short story writing contest. The deadline is coming up quickly: February 28.  Here is the information, straight from the Wordcrafters website:

Student Short Story Competition

In March 2014, Lane County will have our first home-grown literary conference focusing on the art and craft of writing fiction. We are reaching out to future writers with several exciting events, including a Young Writers’ Short Story Contest, sponsored by the University of Oregon Bookstore.

Who Can Participate?

All elementary, middle, and high school students in students in Lane County, Oregon are eligible whether they attend public, private, or home school. The contest review panel will select three winners from each academic level. No entry fee required for entry.

Contest Prizes

A First, Second, and Third place award will be presented to each academic level —elementary, middle, high school.

  • First Place winners will receive a $200 gift certificate from the University of Oregon Bookstore, and free registration to our 2015 conference.
  • Second Place winners will be awarded a $100 certificate from the University of Oregon Bookstore.
  • Third Place winners will receive a $50 gift certificate from the University of Oregon Bookstore.
  • All finalist’s stories will be featured on the Wordcrafters in Eugene website following the conference.

What you write is limited only by your imagination. You can take us to the moon or to the center of the Earth. We can travel with you to ancient times or a future yet to be. Surprise and amaze us. We look forward to reading your wonderful creations. Above all, have fun!

Visit Wordcrafters for submission guidelines today!