The Great Unirainbowllamawithwings Game
By Clayton R., Grade 4 (Tip for reading this article: Imagine llamas playing football.) Chapter 1 It all started on a Sunday night. It was the 1-in-5 Seattle Seallamas...
Basketball Wordsearch
By: Lily P., Grade 3 Find these words: basket Ducks Heat Jersey rim three pointer basketball free throw hoop Kings shot Trailblazers Bulls half court Hornets Nuggets Spurs...
March 2013 Print Edition
The PDF version of The Edison Light Bulb, March 2013, is here! This is the print version distributed to all students at Edison. The PDF is useful for printing extra...
Marla Runyan
By Kate V., 5th grade Have you ever heard of Marla Runyan? She was the first legally blind person to compete in the Olympics. The most surprising thing is...
All About LeBron James
By Zyan M., 4th grade Do you know about LeBron James? I do because he is one of my favorite basketball players. If you want to know more read...
More about Jordyn Weiber (really, really, really short)
By Raisa B., 2nd Grade I’ve always admired Jordyn Weiber because she is really cool! I am very interested in gymnastics. THAT’S why I like her. Wait! I forgot to...
Jordyn Wieber
By Raisa B., 2nd grade
I've always admired Jordyn Weiber because she is really awesome. Jordyn Weiber is an Olympian in women's gymnastics. Jordyn's favorite event is the balance beam....
Review: Madden 13
by Massimo, 5th Grade The new Madden game is out! Created by EA sports which took about a year to create, it has awesome graphics because they all look real...
Usain Bolt
By Caleb P. Editor’s Note: Caleb wrote this before the Olympics. We’re looking forward to an update soon! Usain Bolt is a track runner that’s in the Olympics. He’s...
Babe Ruth
By Caleb P., 3rd Grade Babe Ruth was a great man. He was born on February 6, 1895. His real name was George Herman Ruth, Jr. He had lots...