2014 Winter Olympic Games

Image: Foxnews.com

By  Ella D., Grade 5

News Flash!

If you like winter sports, then I hope you checked out the Winter Olympics. There was skiing, snowboarding, figure skating, and a bunch of other snow and ice sports.  My favorites are skating and ski jumps.

I love figure skating. I can’t skate, but it is super fun to watch. On Thursday, the first girl was from Canada and fell really hard, but popped up and started skating again. I didn’t watch all the skaters but at the end a 15 year-old Russian won the gold medal for women’s skating.

Have you ever seen the ski jumping? I have. Every time I see them, I feel inspired when those athletes jump because they just try, try, try and don’t give up. Some of these people are old and others were at their first Olympics. There was someone who was at his eighth Olympics and he was forty years-old! It was down to the last three men.  The third to last was in first place when his jump was at 99.6 feet. The next guy beat that record at 103.8 feet. Wow, I think I would like to be one of the last people to get 1st, 2nd and 3rd because I would be guaranteed a medal. I really love the Olympics. Maybe someday I will go to the Olympics…