By Caitie C. and Isabel S., 5th Grade

Right now we are going to tell you  about what people think about middle school. We are going to interview different fifth graders from Edison Elementary about what they think.
Middle school means that you have a lot more responsibility and freedom. Switching classes, doing a lot more homework, and more time. Here are some of the things that people said:

“I am nervous about switching classes, but excited about more freedom and more friends!” –  Kyli

“I am excited about lockers, and I love to make new friends. I am overjoyed about middle school!!!” – Margaret

“I am nervous about the older kids, but I know that there are other people just like me, so I am comforted by that.” – Fatou

“I wonder about popularity. I don’t care or like it. I am not excited about middle school.” – Clio

It it obvious the people have different views on Middle School, and we hope you will respect that. It will be a big change that some will like and some will not like.
All of the teachers will be different, all of the classrooms, too. We hope that you will be able to do it, and we will, too.

This article was written by Caitie C. and Isabel S. It will be printed in the June 2012 edition of the Edison Light Bulb.