Wow! On September 26, every student got up and running with new ideas during our first class! Look forward to stories and more about aviation, geography, video game and technology reviews, skateboarding, fiction (cats or talking tacos or bananas – take your pick), Olympics athletes, Sunday Streets, you name it!  Some stories are already published – check them out and please comment!

Kids on Computers


Thanks to Zyan’s family for the cupcakes and the chance to celebrate his birthday, and to James’ family for signing up to bring snacks next week. We still need snacks for October 10 and beyond.  Please email me or sign up in class.  Thanks for your help!

Room Change

As Edison works out the best use of its space, we need to flex with them.  Our original room is not available or set up as needed. We are going to meet each week in the Library. We’ll either stay there, or carry our laptops to Room 8 (off the southeast corner of the gym).  In good weather, we’ll pack up and have snack on the front steps of the school, so you can meet your child there.  Otherwise, we’ll finish up in the gym.  Thanks for being flexible with us.