Sample Comic Page

Comics from photos and drawings

Types of Comics

Comics can be single panel (one rectangle) or multi-panel. Multi-panel comics let you tell a story or joke in parts. Make a comic to be funny, to express an opinion, to tell a story, or to explain how something works.

Parts of a Comic

For our blog or paper, your comic needs a title, by-line, and credits for any images, characters or ideas you use that are not your own.

Size and Shape

If you are drawing your comic, don’t worry about making it the ‘right size.’ We can shrink it to fit later on!  If you are using Comic Life, be sure to set the page size before you start creating!

Draw Your Own

Draw a comic on paper and then photograph or scan it into the computer.  Or just draw your characters and then add the text and talking bubbles on the computer in programs like Comic Life. Once you’ve drawn and scanned something, you can use it over and over, rotate it, zoom in on it, and more.

Digital Tools

Several web sites and software programs can help you create comics, either using your own images or ones they provide. One is Comic Life, which makes it really easy to make comics using the photos on your computer.

Use the iSight camera built-in to the computer or any digital camera to snap photos for your comic. You can use real-life characters and scenes, or photograph things you’ve made from clay, Legos, action figures, etc., then import the photos to a program like ComicLife to add text, talking bubbles, and other effects.

You can create comic characters, props and scenes in any of the ways described above and then copy and paste them into a single comic.

Talking Bubble Tips

Make the text as large as you can. Don’t let the talk bubbles cover important parts of your picture. The “tail” of the talk bubble does not need to cover the character’s mouth – it can just point to somewhere near their head.

Next Steps

Save your comic to your project folder as a .jpg image. From there, you can add it to a blog post or drag it into a page for our paper.